"Der Purpur-Pundit"
These are the adventures of the Purple Punster, a vigilante with an extraordinary superpower:
Defeating their opponent using the most horrifically bad puns, robbing them of all energy to go on villaining.
As of right now, the episodes are only produced in German and, by their nature, will probably only make sense to you if you are a native speaker or C2-level fluent in German.
Episode 4: "Bäckerpressung" (YouTube)
"Für eine Handvoll Seegurke"
Science fiction comedy audio play.
An interstellar cruise ship gets hit with a zombie epidemic. Six survivors have retreated into the bowels of the ship and is trying to gain control and, ultimately, return to earth. In their efforts, they end up encountering a curious life form, which seems determined to cause even more chaos.
As of now, this project is only being produced in German. I might translate it some day...
"You do NOT want to find Waldo"
Inspired by a SCP Foundation Wiki entry, a friend of mine recorded timelapses of three wonderfully creepy paintings and we chose to collaborate, combining the videos with an audio adaptation of the story
Content warning: gory sounds, disturbing imagery
"You do NOT want to FIND Waldo" (YouTube)
German version:
"Zukunfts-Chroniken - Oberon"
Three astronauts are fighting for their lives after crashing on the Uranus moon Oberon when help comes from a very unexpected source.
A Hoerspielprojekt.de production by PeBu34. Available in German only.
Toi Toi Toi
Why is there so much superstition surrounding theater stage etiquette? A group of young actors finds out the hard way.
A delightfully creepy HoerTalk short story by Katharina Koschel. Available in German only.
"Toi Toi Toi" (YouTube)